Equipping Church Leaders • East Africa                   |||             "DEEP FOUNDATIONS • HEALTHY CHURCHES • TRANSFORMED LIVES"

Deepening the foundations of biblical knowledge for East African church leaders

Burundi Kenya Rwanda South Sudan Tanzania Uganda
Burundi Kenya Rwanda S Sudan Tanzania   

to create healthy churches and transformed lives.

To learn more about each of the countries of East Africa and ECLEA's work in those countries, please click on the flags of the countries above.


Burundi is a small country to the southwest of Lake Victoria. It is bordered by Rwanda on the north, Democratic Republic of Congo and Lake Tanganyika on the west, and Tanzania on the south and east. It has recently emerged from a lengthy civil war. The total devastation by fire of Bujumbura's (the capital's) central market in early 2013 has significantly affected the national economy. Despite these setbacks, Burundi remains a beautiful country in which there is real spiritual hunger.


Learn more about Burundi


To learn more about Burundi, please click HERE.


Photos of Burundi


ECLEA in Burundi

ECLEA personnel first went to Burundi in January 2009. Early-on, Jonathan Menn began working with Rema Ministries. Rema is an indigenous ministry in Burundi that, like ECLEA, focuses on training church leaders. Consequently, Rema and ECLEA have entered into a memorandum of understanding whereby Rema will use its personnel and contacts to teach ECLEA's courses in Burundi and to identify good candidates among those who participate at ECLEA training sessions to become part of the ECLEA teaching team. Our plan is that Jonathan will train the Rema staff members and ECLEA-Burundi treachers in ECLEA's courses as well as participate in other church leader training sessions. In this way, ECLEA will have maximum impact since we already have an experienced group of teachers.

Here are updates from ECLEA's Burundi team concerning ECLEA's work in Burundi (older news accounts of ECLEA's work in Burundi and the rest of East Africa are located in the News Archive):

Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi teacher

February 2024

Greetings from Burundi in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hope you had a blessed Christmas and wishing you a peaceful new year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you gave us towards the church leaders training. We praise God that we were able to do the training as it was scheduled in our 6 training centers. As we see the outcome of this ECLEA course, for sure, the training we are giving, as many church leaders and pastors said: is a “Training for Transformation of our Churches and our Communities.” Many trainees have changed the way of doing things, the way of preaching, the way of interpreting the Bible, understanding of OT and NT as they see Jesus Christ throughout the whole Bible as Biblical Theology is concerned, putting into practice what they learned in the book of 1 Timothy, Biblical Stewardship and the book of James and so forth.

We didn't do Galatians and 1 Peter where it was scheduled; rather, trainees humbly asked us to go in deep the course on Biblical Eschatology, because there are many Seventh Day Adventists and millennialists who are teaching wrong teachings and many other groups who have come to teach, yet they are misinterpreting the bible and are misleading many church leaders and as results Christians are misled to. So we took time to reinforce the Biblical Eschatology course. And we succeeded.

We are planning the schedule of the training for this 2024 year which I will send you early next week for your consideration.  I also want to let you know that there will be graduation of students in 5 centers in April and May. That will be at Muzye, Rutana, Cankuzo, Mishiha and EMUBU Bujumbura. Please, plan to make a favor to visit Burundi during that period. We can plan according to your availability.

Thank you so much for the efforts and endeavors you put in to produce these materials for the training for transformation of our society and our churches in particular.

God Bless you,


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